Monday, January 29, 2018

Babka Without Borders takes 2nd in Pickering

It was just announced that my full-length comedy Babka Without Borders took second place in the 2018 Robert J. Pickering Award for Playwriting Excellence.

It's the second time I took second. In 2013, my full-length farce Kill the Critic! garnered the same award.

The award includes a $50 prize, so I'm very happy about that. Of course, it would have been even better if the play had taken first place as that would have come with a full production, but I can understand why it might not have won. The play requires a large cast (9M/12F) and a small-town community theater may have a hard time recruiting that many actors. That's why I targeted the play to high schools, which usually have a lot of talented students wanting to perform.

Still, it's nice to get this vote of confidence, especially since the play took me so far out of my comfort zone. Set in a cafe that straddles the border between two warring nations, Babka Without Borders is my most political play and includes a healthy dose of satire. And yet it keeps one foot solidly in the world of farce.

It's a quirky play, no doubt. But I like it.

And now it seems at least a few contest judges in Michigan do too.

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