Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bluegrass butler

A big shout-out to Community Christian Academy in Paducah, KY, who performed The Butler Did It! last night. I love this dramatic photo of the title character, especially since it gives a glimpse of the fabulous set the kids put together. Great job, everybody!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Butler in Hoosierland

The Butler Did It! got a nice mention in the Clarion, the student newspaper of Connersville Senior High School in Connersville, IN (Go Spartans!). They'll be performing the play April 25-27, but they announced the play's selection now to start building some buzz.

I rarely learn why my plays get chosen, but I liked director Suzy Brown's explanation of her choice in the article:

"This particular play was chosen because the selection committee thought it would be fun for the students. It also has a smaller set, which is easier for production..."

Guess I'd better crank out some more single-set plays!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Polar vortex

A big Wolverine state shout-out to the talented drama students of Burt Township School in Grand Marais, MI (Go Polar Bears!), way up north along the frigid shore of Lake Superior (how many schools offer a unit on snowshoeing?).

They performed my play The Butler Did It! last night, and it looks like they had a blast. And I'm thrilled to see that, like many of the high schools doing this play, they were able to make it work with just a minimal set. Nice job, all!

For more photos from this production, check The Agatelady blog.